Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mundaneness, Wednesday, 7/9/14 and Thursday, 7/10/14

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

We were the victims of more bad scheduling today, so Chuck had the day off and Cindy worked at the Nevada City museum. 

Chuck said he wouldn’t need the car, so Cindy drove herself to work today.  About 12:30 p.m. Chuck walked in the door of the museum and had arrived there via the train.  He visited while Cindy ate her lunch and then took the 1:30 train back home.  He did some laundry and then asked Jaimi and Daniel to help him pry open our bedroom windows so we could get some relief at night from the oppressive heat.  When Cindy got home he had a small screen in one window and a fan that just fit in the window opening in the second window.  The open windows made a huge difference in the room temperature. 

Chuck made taco salad for supper and had it ready when Cindy got home at 6:30 p.m.  We visited with the inn mates for a while and then called it a night.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
It was hot again and we don’t have anything exciting to report.  Chuck drove the train and Cindy worked at the Nevada City museum.  There weren’t too many tourists today, so it was a pretty boring day except that Chuck met a man from Hawaii who had recently seen Christopher’s ship while he was in port there. 
Shortly after we got home, Janet (the Victorian ball lady) drove up with a window air conditioner in her trunk.  We saw her at the Butte Wal-Mart a couple of days ago, and we told her we wished we had an A/C.  She said she had one she wasn’t using and we were welcome to use it for the rest of the summer.  However, Chuck was surprised and delighted when she made delivery today.  He plans to install it tomorrow.  It isn’t the same size as the window, so we shall see. 
The inn mates asked us to go get pizza with them tonight at Ennis.  Libby was not here, so the rest of us all crowded into Connor’s jeep for the trip over the mountains.  We have enough pizza left over for breakfast in the morning. 


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