Sunday, May 18, 2014

More Training, Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Today’s weather was on the miserable side.  It was in the forties and rained/hailed for most of the afternoon.  We split up into small groups for additional training.  Chuck went to the garage that houses the train and learned driving basics as well as how to complete weekly maintenance and paperwork.  The Heritage Commission owns a full size steam locomotive and cars, and that is what they used to use for their rides.  However, the state mandates that the engine be given a safety inspection every ten years at a cost of about $100,000.  Since funds are low, they have put that train out of commission for a while.  Chuck said he toured the steam train and that it was absolutely beautiful.  There is a small train with a diesel engine that they are currently using to transport tourists between Virginia City and Nevada City, so that is what Chuck trained on today. 

Cindy learned how to use the cash register system and then toured the Virginia City Depot to observe the layout.  She was also taken to the Gypsy Arcade where there are lots of old arcade games and silent movie machines on display.  There was a Post Office machine that dispensed love letters.  The letters came out postmarked and ready for mailing, so all the purchaser had to do was complete the delivery address.  Sadly, that machine did not work, but many of them are still in use.  Later on, she helped the team clean the Nevada City Music Hall and stock merchandise on the shelves.  She took pictures of the most amazing automatic music machines, and many of them are still operational. 

The nights are somewhat dull.  We have no television and no internet in our room, so last night we played a board game with three of our co-workers who are all in college.  We are going to play Train (a domino game) with them tonight. 




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