Friday, June 13, 2014

Thursday, 6/12/14 and Friday, 6/13/14

Thursday, June 12, 2014

It was nice weather today.  Chuck worked on the train and Cindy greeted him every hour at the Virginia City depot.  We were busier today than usual, so the tourist traffic is evidently gearing up for the season. 

We got off work at 6:00 p.m. and were on the road to Helena by 6:30 p.m. because we got a phone call that our car was ready.  With hotel, rental car, and repairs we spent about $750, so it was nice that we got our first pay checks today. 

The Mustang was in the Ford lot ready to go, so we parked the rental car and dropped the keys in the lock box.  After a quick break at Dairy Queen, we headed back south through the mountains to Virginia City.  We arrived home at approximately 11:30 p.m. and found the inn mates still awake.  Jaimi said she was scared because she and Libby saw a ghost the night before.  Libby said it looked like Abraham Lincoln wearing his top hat, and he was crouched on the end of Jaimi’s bed. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Chuck worked at the Virginia City depot, and Cindy was asked to answer phones at the Montana Heritage Commission office.  There was a big quarterly meeting of the commissioners today at the rehearsal hall, so the regular secretary was there taking minutes of the meeting.  She said there are fourteen commissioners appointed by the governor, and they make all the Virginia City major decisions regarding funding, etc.

The weather turned rainy and cold about mid-day.  Chuck loaned Jaimi his jacket because she was working on the train, and then he stayed cold the rest of the day even though he was inside the depot. 

The Commission meeting was over at 3:00 p.m., and then Cindy took Andrew (a co-worker) to Sheridan to pick up one of the state trucks that has been in the shop.  Along the way, she took Chuck another jacket and upon her return locked up the Virginia City buildings for him. 

The inn mates were given leftover sandwiches from today’s meeting, so we had supper together with Jaimi and Daniel in the rehearsal hall. 


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