Monday, June 9, 2014

Friday, 6/6/14 - Monday, 6/9/14

Friday, June 6, 2014

Chuck worked on the train today, and Cindy worked in the Gypsy Arcade.  First thing this morning she met a lady named Jane Erickson whose husband (Yuque Clemente) lives full time in Vermillion Estates in Summerfield, Florida.  Jane has a home in Roman, Montana and spends the winters in Florida and the summers in Montana.  Vermilion Estates is about one mile from where Cindy’s mother lives, and Jane’s husband lives there year round as he doesn’t like the Montana weather. 

Shortly after 2:00 p.m., Chuck walked by the Gypsy Arcade.  He was on his way to the office to get the Suburban as the train broke down again.  He shuttled train passengers back and forth between depots until 5:00 p.m.  Meanwhile, Cindy closed up the arcade at 4:00 p.m. and went home to finish preparing the supper we had cooking since earlier in the day.

Tonight we served ribs, baked beans, potato casserole, spinach salad, and garlic bread to all the inn mates except Connor who had still not returned yet from Helena.  We have been given permission to use the kitchen facilities at the rehearsal hall, so we used both kitchens to prepare the meal and served it in the hall.  Duel and Lucinda joined us for dinner, and then we played a new game they brought called “Apples to Apples.”  A good time was has by all.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
The weather was cool and sunny today.  Chuck worked at the gold panning operation and Cindy worked at the Virginia City train depot.  The train was fixed by this morning, but whether it remains running is anyone’s guess. 
We both had a pretty busy day, and the train was loaded to capacity on several runs.  Daniel said he got shot and died two times at Nevada City today—he had a great time.  We hope to be able to take our lunch breaks there tomorrow and check out his death scene as he will die two more times then. 
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Chuck worked at the Virginia City depot today, and Cindy had her first real taste of working at the gold panning operation.  It was truly work, as she had to clean out three of the small troughs used for panning and also filled buckets of dirt.   The only bathroom facility is a port a potty hidden out in the bushes.  At one point in time, there were 21 people panning for gold and Cindy pretended she knew what she was doing as she was instructing the visitors. 
Chuck took his lunch break at Nevada City and saw the re-enacted trial of Deputy Dillingham’s murderers.  Our inn mate Daniel (Deputy Dillingham) got shot and died, and then there was a trial for the murderers.  Whiskey Joe was the judge, and Duel played the part of a lawyer.  The whole thing lasted about an hour and was very entertaining.  The players incorporated visiting tourists into the trial and improvised based on their responses. 
Duel and Daniel

Daniel gets shot
and dies

Monday, June 9, 2014
The weather was beautiful today in the low seventies.  Chuck manned the Gypsy Arcade and Cindy worked at the Virginia City depot.  Daniel came in on the 2:00 p.m. train and planned to ride right back to Nevada City, but the train was full.  He and Cindy sat outside on the train platform and enjoyed the weather while people watching. 
 Chuck closed up the Gypsy Arcade at 4:00 p.m. and went home to wash some laundry.  Cindy got off work at 6:00 p.m. and went home to fix some supper.  The other inn mates and Lucinda decided to drive all the way to Bozeman tonight to eat Chinese food again.  They didn’t leave until 7:00 p.m., so we do not expect them back until around midnight.  


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