Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

 Today was the nicest day we have had in Montana so far.  It was sunny all day and the high temperature was about 72 degrees.  We set off east over the mountains to Bozeman this morning.  We stopped and took a picture of the Madison River where we have seen people fly fishing every time we drive past this river.  It seems to be a popular spot and we saw lots of campers and boats here today. 

We drove to the Montana State University campus and went into the Museum of the Rockies.  The museum houses a huge collection of dinosaur bones and reconstructed dinosaur models.  Montana is supposedly one of the best places to find dinosaur fossils because the geographic structure of the land, coupled with the small population, was the perfect recipe for preserving these creatures of long ago.  We also saw Indian artifacts, several well preserved carriages, and some household items from the 1800’s and early 1900’s.  We think the exhibits in Virginia City are far superior to the ones here.      

After spending about two hours at the museum, we ate lunch at a barbeque place and then spent a while at Wal-Mart restocking our supplies.  We bought a crock pot and then came home and prepared chili to cook tomorrow while we are working.  We are planning to invite our co-workers over for supper so we can celebrate our first day on the job and compare notes. 



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