Sunday, May 25, 2014

I Love a Parade, Saturday, 5/24/14

Saturday, May 24, 2014 

We reported for work at 9:30 a.m.  Cindy went to the Virginia City train depot, and Chuck went to Nevada City.  The train was broken and not operational for the first day of the season, so many people were disappointed.  There was not much traffic, so at noon Chuck was sent to man the Gypsy Arcade in Virginia City.   All that is required of that job is to unlock the door and make change for people to put coins in the machines.  He enjoyed his time there and at 1:30 p.m. Cindy took her lunch break and walked down the street to join Chuck and watch the parade. 

The parade was really cute.  There were lots of horses, horses pulling wagons and surreys, and people dressed in period costumes including a mountain man and two ladies of the evening.  There was an old fire wagon being pushed down the street by several men and they actually sprayed out water from a hose on the carriage.  The older gentleman, Mike, who lives in our hotel and fixes all the music machines, was pushing a 100 year old Molinari Barrel Piano down the street.  He periodically stopped and turned the hand crank to make music.  Cindy took a turn at spinning the crank.

 In the late afternoon we got a rain shower with lots of pea sized hail and the weather turned cold in a hurry.  We counted our deposits, finished up some paperwork, locked up seven historic buildings and clocked out at 6:00 p.m.  We went home and ate crock pot chili with our inn mates and then played a game of Shanghai.  It was a good first day!



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