Saturday, July 12, 2014

Refrigerator (Train) Repairman, Friday, 7/11/14

Friday, July 11, 2014

The train broke AGAIN today before it even made the first run.  Management called the train repair people who live in Dillon, and they said they were on the way.  Dillon is a one hour drive from here, and the repairmen showed up at 4:00 p.m.—we were expecting them at 10:30 a.m.  Meanwhile, all the employees were shuffled around and we were overstaffed as we thought the train would be back in service by noon.  We both worked at the Nevada City museum, so when the train guys showed up Chuck went across the street to supervise them.   Please look at the picture below and judge for yourselves why our train seems to be out of service so much. 

While we were working today, the septic tank guy that comes by once a week to pump out the port-a-potties came inside to tell us that the handicap port-a-potty is missing.  We contacted all parties who might know anything about this mystery, but since no one knew a thing we can only assume that it was stolen.  Duel’s dad said he hoped the thieves got the contents of their treasure all over them while it was being moved. 

We got off work at 6:00 p.m., and Chuck immediately installed the new window air conditioner.  It works like a dream, so the inn mates may not be seeing too much of us for the rest of the summer.  Of course, Chuck rubbed salt in the wound by having them all stop in our room to feel the nice cold air.






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