Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wednesday, 8/13/14 and Thursday, 8/14/14

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

 It was pleasant weather today.  Chuck worked at the River of Gold with Duel and they stayed pretty busy all day.  Cindy worked at the Virginia City depot and had a steady stream of customers, but it was not overwhelming.  A young boy came in the depot with his parents and looked at the antique dental display.  He had just lost a tooth while walking on the boardwalk, so he posed by the display while holding up his bloody tooth.  His mother then asked Cindy to tape the tooth on a piece of paper so it wouldn’t get lost in her purse. 

Chuck got through at his operation a little sooner than Cindy, so he helped her lock up the buildings in Virginia City.  We then both got off work at 6:30 p.m. and headed home to prepare a quick supper.  The inn mates ate later as they were waiting for Jaimi to get off work from her second job. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014
 We had more good weather today.  Chuck worked at the Nevada City museum, and Cindy worked at the Virginia City depot but we have nothing exciting to report.  When Chuck was locking up the buildings, he got sopping wet from a rainstorm.  Cindy was able to avoid the rain when she locked up Virginia City. 
Connor has gone home to Helena since it is his day off and the girls all drove to Dillon for the evening.  We got off work at 6:30 p.m. and headed to Ennis for pizza.  It seemed a little strange for just the two of us to be together by ourselves.  We will soon have empty nest syndrome all over again. 
Jaimi drove train for first time today.


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