Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday, 7/28/14 and Tuesday, 7/29/14

Monday, July 28, 2014

It was pleasant weather today.  Chuck worked at the River of Gold, and Cindy worked at Nevada City.  Our Florida guests were on their own today and first thing this morning they went to the museum that houses the hundred and something year old birthday cake that was donated by their family members from Pony.  They then showed up to pan for gold and garnets, and Chuck provided panning instructions and helped them out for about an hour.  

At about 12:15 p.m. our guests made their way to the Nevada City museum to finish looking at some of the buildings they did not see when they were there on Saturday.  Cindy took her lunch break and opened up one of the buildings that is not open to the general public.  They were able to see lots of shoes that were over one hundred years old which had previously been in their relatives store in Pony before being donated to Nevada City.  They were amazed by the quantity and excellent condition of the shoes.  She also took them to look in the back of the barber shop so they could see the bathing room.  In the 1860’s you could take a bath during the week for 25 cents, but on the weekend it would cost you 75 cents.   (Soap and a towel were included in the price.)

The guests spent the rest of their day in Virginia City and did a little souvenir shopping.  They also went into yet another museum to see an organ and a dress which had been donated by their relatives.   

We got off work at 6:30 p.m. and headed to the bed and breakfast.  Our guests wanted to take us out to eat on their last night here.  As there are not too many local restaurants, we headed back to Ennis and ate pizza yet again.  That was fine with us as that is one of our favorite foods. 

Upon our return to Virginia City we sat on the back porch with them and watched the sun set over the mountains.  They are going to Helena tomorrow to take the trolley tour and see the Capitol building before heading back to Bozeman for their flight home early Wednesday morning.   They all had a great time, but not a one of them could tell us what their favorite thing was about the trip.  They loved everything they saw and said they will be sure to tell their friends and neighbors to come to Virginia City on their next vacation. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014
It was nice weather again today.  Chuck drove the train and Cindy worked at the Virginia City depot so she saw him every hour.  Business was brisk today, but we are running short one train car because it jumped the track yesterday and the wheels were damaged beyond repair. 
The train stops running at about 5:30 p.m., so after Chuck got off work he met Cindy at the depot and helped her lock up buildings.  We got home at 6:30 p.m. and Chuck started a load of laundry after supper.  The inn mates got home about 7:30 p.m., and we visited with them for a little while before calling it a night. 


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