Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lantern Tour, Saturday, 7/12/14 and Sunday, 7/13/14

Saturday, July 12, 2014

There was a huge thunderstorm last night, so when morning came there were mud washes all in the downtown area.  Chuck got a call from the boss at 9:00 a.m. telling him to get to work ASAP as the train tracks were buried under mud in some of the road crossings.  He shoveled mud and also found a tree down on the tracks which he had to cut up with a chainsaw before the train could pass.  Fortunately, he is very efficient and the train was able to make the first run of the day with no problem. 

Chuck’s next job was to drive Andrew around to pick up garbage, and then he spent the rest of the day in the heat at the gold panning operation.  Cindy spent the day at the Virginia City train depot, and it was business as usual with nothing special to report.   

We got off work at 6:30 p.m. and met the inn mates at the local steak house.  We were all awarded gift certificates again by our employer to thank us for another record breaking revenue day last weekend.  It is nice to work for people who appreciate our efforts and reward us with these extra perks.  Dave Walker (formerly of the bands Fleetwood Mac and Black Sabbath) lives in Virginia City and he periodically performs at the steak house.  He was performing tonight, but he is definitely past his prime.   

At 9:30 p.m. we headed to Nevada City for a special lantern tour with the focal point being a duel.  As usual, we walked around the town with only old fashioned lanterns for light and watched the town nightlife unfold.  Inn mate Daniel was courting a girl on a bench and he was holding a courtin’ candle.  The girl’s father ran Daniel off with a gun as he said his daughter was too young.  Later on in the evening Daniel was shot and killed, and he was mourned by four different women.   Daniel is quite the ladies’ man. 

Dave Walker
Daniel, Duel, Elise
Sunday, July 13, 2014 
Cindy worked at the Nevada City museum with Duel today, and we were really busy because there was another duel this afternoon.  Poor Chuck worked again in the heat at the gold panning operation, and he was overwhelmed with lots of tourists.  His co-worker today was not much help, and he was pretty much left to his own devices.   
We got off work at 6:30 p.m. and headed home to rest.  The inn mates all drove to Dillon to go out to eat and buy some much needed groceries. 
Chuck's Co-worker



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