Monday, July 21, 2014

Another Hanging, Saturday, 7/19/14 and Sunday, 7/20/14

Saturday, July 19, 2014

It was another hot day and Chuck worked at the gold panning operation with Duel.  One of the train cars jumped the tracks this morning near the gold panning river, so Chuck and Duel went to offer their assistance.  They were able to help Brian (the driver) and Connor (the conductor) lift the train car back onto the tracks.  Fortunately, this was an early train and there were no passengers on it at that time. 

At 2:30 p.m., Chuck took his lunch break and went to Nevada City to see the hanging of historic wagon train robber, Steve Marshland.  Steve was shot while trying to rob the wagon train of $50,000 worth of gold.  He also lost his horse during the holdup, but he got away and walked miles through the snow back to his home.  He got frostbite on his feet along the way and was in bad shape when the vigilantes tracked him down.  He was barefooted when he was caught, and he was taken out and hanged without his boots.  Some say that this was a mercy killing as he was already near to dead when he was found.

Cindy worked at the Virginia City depot with Joni, and we stayed consistently busy throughout the day but there was no excitement to report. 

Daniel’s parents arrived this afternoon from DeSoto, Kansas for a one week visit.  They have been reading the blog all summer, so they pretty much already knew everyone and we received big hugs when we met them.  Their names are Dan and Kerri Hoschouer, and we went out to eat with them in Ennis tonight along with inn mates Daniel and Jaimi.  They are a fun couple, and we could see where Daniel gets his personality.  Daddy Dan has worked 31 years for McCray Lumber and Millwork in Kansas City, and Kerri is a home health care worker.   

Dan and Kerri are staying at a hotel in Ennis, so Daniel and Jaimi rode with us and we arrived back home at 9:30 p.m. 

Hoschouer Family
Sunday, July 20, 2014
It was another hot day.  Chuck worked at the Virginia City depot with Joni, and Cindy worked at Nevada City with Duel.  There was a family reunion group with the last name of Korn scheduled today to take a train ride.  They had made reservations for 22 people, but when they showed up there were 28 of them.  The train was overbooked, so Joni went outside to try and rearrange all the passengers to accommodate the Korns.  When she went back inside the depot, Chuck asked her if she was able to get all the kernals on the train and they both had a good laugh.   
Cindy and Duel stayed pretty busy, but it really gets crazy just before hanging time.  After we got the rush processed, Cindy took her lunch break and was just in time to see the Steve Marshland hanging.  Poor Steve was hanged twice this weekend, but he gets better at it every time.  Inn mate Daniel participated in the hanging by pulling the stool out from under Steve.  Daniel’s parents were on the front row, and he made them proud. 
Cindy noticed that Duel had a new haircut, and when she commented on it Duel told her that he had cut it himself and saved $20.  Cindy was amazed that he was able to cut his own hair, and she told him if his career as a lawyer doesn’t work out he can always resort to being a barber. 
We got off work at 6:30 p.m., and when we got home Daniel’s parents were cooking supper for everyone.  Daniel’s mom also washed the dishes that the inn mates had left in the sink for about a week.   Dan and Kerry fit in nicely with the Bonanza Inn family, and we all shared much laughter while reviewing some of the highlights of our summer thus far. 



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