Friday, July 18, 2014

The Usual, Wednesday, 7/16/14 thru Friday, 7/18/14

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The weather was nice today.  Chuck drove Cindy to work at Nevada City, and then he went home to accomplish a few things as this was his day off.  Daniel and Jaimi were off work today, so they asked Chuck to drive them to Ennis in the new ride.  (Daniel wanted to go to a sporting goods store there as he is in the market for a gun.) 

At 6:00 p.m. Chuck showed up at Nevada City and helped Cindy lock up the buildings.  We got home about 6:30 and cooked a quick supper.  Sorry to bore you with this report, but there was not much happening today.  
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Chuck drove the train today, and Cindy worked at the Nevada City museum.  We were really busy today for a Thursday, and the train sold out three times. 

Duel and his parents used to live in West Yellowstone before moving to Virginia City, so they still have friends there.  One of their friends is the owner of the Playmill Theatre and last night all the inn mates were invited to go with them to see Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.   Jaimi, Elise, and Chuck got off work earlier than the others, so Chuck helped Cindy and Connor close up their operations while Jaimi and Elise went ahead to Ennis to order pizza as we were on a tight schedule.  We met the girls at the pizza place and ate a quick bite before loading up in the truck and heading south to West Yellowstone.  Daniel and Duel both had the day off, so they spent the entire day there and were waiting for us when we arrived at about 8:30 p.m.  Duel’s parents and their friend from South Carolina were also there, and once we were seated we were treated to a really good performance.  The costumes were great, and there was lots of singing and dancing to the tunes from the Disney movie namesake.   

It was after 11:00 p.m. when the show let out, and we did not get home until about 12:45 a.m. which made for a short night.
Friday, July 18, 2014
It was hot today.  Cindy worked at the gold panning operation, and Chuck worked at Nevada City.  There was not much excitement at work, but Chuck did meet nine students and their professor from Montana State University in Bozeman.  They are architecture students and came to make drawings/paintings of some of the old buildings.  We sell children’s whistles which are shaped like a train and are filled with bubbles.  We make a lot of money on these because children grab them up and blow them before anyone knows what they are doing.  There is a sign posted which states if you blow it, you buy it, so when one of the college students blew a whistle Chuck made him cough up some money.  When the student protested, Chuck asked him if they didn’t teach him to read at his university.   
We didn’t get off work until 7:00 p.m., and we went home and rested as the inn mates all went to the fair in Bozeman tonight. 



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