Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Big Souvenir, Monday, 7/14/14 and Tuesday, 7/15/14

Monday, July 14, 2014

We woke up this morning to cold rain and it stayed overcast most of the day.  Chuck worked at the Nevada City museum and Cindy had the day off so she changed the sheets and did lots of laundry and house cleaning.   She rode the noon train to Nevada City and took Chuck a sandwich for lunch. 

Connor and Daniel were both off work today, and they were very bored.  They showed up at Nevada City while Chuck was eating lunch, and then Daniel rode the 1:30 p.m. train back home with Cindy.  They also drove around town for a while trying to spot elk that Jaimi said she saw from the train.  Daniel later said they were imaginary elk.

Chuck didn’t have too many tourists today and nothing interesting to report.  Cindy went to pick him up from work and helped him out by locking up all the buildings at Nevada City.  When we got home, we were invited to a hamburger cookout at the rehearsal hall.  The big boss wore an apron and manned the grill.  The meal was a going away thank you for the AmeriCorps volunteer group.  They painted our Bonanza Inn while they were here and it looks much better. 
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
We woke up to cold rain again today.  We both had the day off and just goofed around until 11:00 a.m., and then we headed north to Helena.   Chuck has been shopping for a truck for the last three years, and he found one he liked at Helena via the internet so we took a road trip.  
After eating lunch we made it to the Ford dealership at 2:00 p.m.  The salesman was expecting us and had the truck sitting out front waiting for us.  They evidently needed to sell a truck today because we got a really good discount off the published price.  We also got more than we were expecting for the Mustang which we traded in as a down payment.  Most people on vacation take home a refrigerator magnet as a souvenir, but Chuck had to take home a four wheel drive truck.  Now we will be able to go down all the dirt roads around here which lead to really cool places if Cindy can convince Chuck to get it dirty. 
We returned home at 8:15 p.m. and were met by the inn mates who were very excited for us about our new purchase.  Duel was here and we all went to the rehearsal hall to play a new game that he bought for a dollar at the local secondhand store.  A good time was had by all and we told him we approved of his bargain purchase. 



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