Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Trial and a Hanging, Saturday, 6/14/14

Saturday, June 14, 2014

It was cold again today, but at least we both had inside jobs.  Chuck worked in the Gypsy Arcade, and Cindy worked at Nevada City.  The weekends are living history days.  In addition to all the authentic interpreters that roam about, there is also a re-enactment of some event that happened in Nevada City history.  Great pains are taken to insure the authenticity of the portrayed event. 

Today was the trial and hanging of Red Yeager.  In 1863 the real trial lasted three days, but it was condensed down to 1 ½ hours for the tourists.   We had two actual Montana judges and a lawyer here today who are living history interpreters.   One of the judges portrayed the judge, one of the judges was the prosecuting attorney, and a trial attorney represented the defendant, Red Yeager.  The jury is selected from the audience. 

Duel and Cindy worked together today, and it was very busy.  (We admitted 390 people into the museum.)  Duel had a part as a witness in the trial, so he took a lunch break and entered the fray.  It was reported that he performed quite eloquently.  Later on Cindy took her lunch break and went to see the hanging since Mr. Yeager was found guilty of many heinous crimes.  As the day was winding down, Cindy met Eric (a/k/a Red Yeager) and he told her that he has been hung 13 times.  Cindy showed him the video she took of the event, and Eric critiqued his performance.   

There were 64 Chinese tourists who visited today.  Most of them appeared to be about middle school age, and they were here from China on a cultural tour.  After the hanging, Daniel took them in the saloon and taught them to play Wheel of Fortune.  That was Daniel’s only job today except for heckling the prosecuting attorney during the trial.   

Meanwhile in Virginia City they were celebrating an Irish fun day with Celtic music, a cultural presentation, lots of drinking, and a parade.  Chuck took some pictures of the bagpipe band and dancing girls as they went by the Gypsy Arcade. 

Duel and Cindy




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