Saturday, August 16, 2014

Friday, 8/15 and Saturday, 8/16

Friday, August 15, 2014

It was in the seventies this morning, but it started raining about 1:45 p.m. and then turned cooler.  Chuck worked at the River of Gold with Jaimi, and Cindy worked at the Virginia City depot.  There was a steady stream of customers, but nothing even remotely interesting to report. 

Chuck finished work at the gold panning operation sooner than Cindy, so he locked up the buildings in Virginia City for her.  We got off work at 6:30 p.m. and went home to find two elderly strangers sitting in the chairs on our front porch.  They are former living history volunteers who have come to visit for the weekend.  There was a steady stream of people coming in after that including a living history grandmother and her three granddaughters and another man and his son.  They have all come to attend the Victorian ball scheduled for tomorrow night.   We will not be attending this ball as we will not get off work early enough and we also have other obligations for tomorrow night. 

After preparing a small supper and eating in front of the guests (who assured us they had already eaten), we went to the rehearsal hall and played Shanghai with the inn mates until bedtime.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

It was in the forties when we got up this morning.  We got up early and went out to eat breakfast at a local restaurant compliment of a gift certificate provided by the Montana Heritage Commission. 

 We both worked at the Nevada City museum today, and we were slammed with customers.  We met a German couple and their three young boys who live in Chicago.  The man works at the German consulate and has lived all over the world for the last nine years.  He will be going back to Germany next year to finish out his career there.  We also met a little girl who brought her pet ferret to the museum.  Why? 

We got off work at 6:30 p.m. and met all our coworkers at the old time photo emporium.  We were quickly transformed into the 1860’s with clothing that tied on over our clothes.  The Montana Heritage Commission splurged for this and we all got a copy of the photo as a memento.  To top off the evening, we were served pizza at the rehearsal hall. 



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