Monday, August 25, 2014

Sunday, 8/24/14 and Monday, 8/25/14

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Happy 25th birthday to our son, Christopher, who serves in the U.S. Navy and is stationed in San Diego, California.   We love you and are very proud of you!

It was cold and cloudy again today, but at least it didn’t rain.  Chuck took turns driving/conducting the train with Joni, and Cindy worked at the Virginia City train depot.  It wasn’t very busy today, but there were a few passengers scheduled for each train ride.   

Chuck got off work at 5:30 p.m. and left the truck with Cindy at the depot.  He then walked home and prepared a taco salad for supper with Elise’s help.  Cindy got off work at 6:30 p.m. and she thought it was nice that supper was ready when she got home. 
After doing the dishes, we spent the rest of the evening at the rehearsal hall.  However, there was one small snafu.  When Cindy went back to the Bonanza Inn she discovered that the front door was locked.  The front door has been an issue all summer long.  None of the residents were given a key to the door, so consequently we left it unlocked all the time.  We often found complete strangers just wandering through the inn at all hours of the day and night.  Our complaints to management and request for a key to the door fell on deaf ears, so we had no way to unlock the door.  Fortunately, Elise and Chuck wandered around the inn and found a fan in one of the windows.  They removed the fan and Elise climbed through the window in order to unlock the front door.  Chuck did not take a picture, so you will just have to imagine Elise going through the window.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The high today was about sixty degrees, but at least it was sunny.  Since we are shorthanded now that the college students have gone back to school, management decided to close everything up today and tomorrow so all the remaining employees would have two days off. 

We headed east over the mountains at about 10:00 a.m. and made our way to Bozeman.  There was a fresh dusting of snow on many of the mountaintops between Virginia City and Bozeman.  Our first stop was Costco where we bought gas and just a couple of items and then we proceeded to Wal-Mart.  We bought two plastic 50 gallon storage containers with lids so the stuff we move home with us will have some protection in the back of the new truck.  (Chuck plans to purchase a tonneau cover for the truck when we get home.)

We stopped for a late lunch at Famous Dave’s barbeque restaurant and then headed for home about 2:15 p.m.  After unloading our purchases, we went next door to the rehearsal hall and piddled around.  Elise joined us there after she got off work and we played a new dice game we bought called “Vigilante Pocket Farkel.” 
Famous Dave's Barbeque


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